Ready To Declutter and simplify your life?


Tired of organizing your home, only for it to become messy again all too soon?

Wondering “what’s the secret to a tidy, clean-enough home” when you have so many responsibilities and not enough time to do them all?

These things are not impossible.

I’m here to help!

Hi there. I’m Mindy,

Your Decluttering & simplicity coach.

I’ve spent 23 years simplifying the art of creating an uncluttered, relaxing home in the midst of a busy, imperfect life. I’ve helped friends and family organize for years.  I’ve also worked as a professional organizer, restoring order and creating systems to keep clutter at bay.

I’m passionate about helping women just like you, by sharing simple solutions for decluttering and simplifying your own life, one small habit at a time.

More about me: I grew up in Mississippi. Since then I’ve lived in Tennessee, California, Texas, Maryland, Italy, Virginia, and Hawaii. I’m a proud Navy wife of 23 years and a homeschool mom of 14 years.

I wasn’t “born organized.” I spent years learning to organize and practicing what I learned. That worked… for a while… until it became disorganized again and again. Frequent moves made this even more challenging. What worked in one house rarely worked in the next.

I would claim #smallhouseproblems, but when we moved into a more spacious home in 2011, I found that I still needed to organize things far too often.

It took two more years for me to realize it was time for a new approach: Minimalism.

Ok, maybe not actual minimalism. More like wanna-be minimalism. (As in “Someday my husband and I are moving into an RV and traveling North America with only the essentials” minimalism.)

These days I wholeheartedly believe that Less Is More. For now, I do what I can. Between 2013-2014, we literally decluttered thousands of pounds of stuff – and haven’t needed a single discarded item since.

I want to live an uncluttered life, but I don’t want to endlessly organize to make that happen. When we got rid of stuff we no longer needed, we had more space for things we do use.

Now it’s easier than ever to maintain a relatively clutter free home, even though there’s always more decluttering to do. And I’m able to keep our home clean with a few, quick tasks each day. Today, I have more time for my highest priorities and the things I really want to do.

Ready to simplify and declutter your life??